
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Updated Smash Page

I updated my Smash Book Challenge Entry. . and not a moment too soon! Today is the deadline for all entries for the January challenge! am participating in the Color Me Creative Classroom Smash Book Challenge. January's theme is New Years Resolutions, which was easy for me, as I've declared this to be "The Year of My Career!"

A little bit about it entry:

On the left page is a list of my career goals for 2012 & the right page is actually a dictionary page containing the definition for 'career' with various mixed media techniques. . I included watercolor, stamping, inking etc. It was so much fun to create. 

I hope you like it & I'd be interested to hear what you think.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Smash Book Challenge/1st Challenge Entry

I am entering my first challenge through Color Me Creative Classroom. If you have a second, take a minute to check out this site. If you are an avid Copic users &/or crafter, you have probably already been here, but if not, I definitely recommend it.

The January Challenge  is All About The New: New Beginnings, A New Year, A New Bucket List etc. Essentially, any new starts you want to journal. For me, 2012 will be the "Year of My Career"; so most of my goals are in reference to re-defining my creative abilities to put to professional use, creating a place that showcases our work & launching Social Confetti (more on both of these exciting projects later).

There are a lot of new beginnings happening for Tim & I this year. I am ready & excited to take advantage of all life has to offer. Here is page 1 of the 3 entries I plan to enter in to the challenge.

Wish me luck!

2012: New Beginnings: Year of My Career

New Master Bedroom

I'm a little late in posting this, but I wanted to share our master bedroom makeover. We were the crazy family who decided to make over our bedroom 2 weeks before Christmas. Needless to say, this didn't leave a lot of time & so I failed to get 'before' pics.

To give you an idea of our dramatic change, this was the same style & color scheme of bedding we had before:
Cute, huh? Not bad if your 16. It was definitely time for an upgrade! We wanted a happy medium between "More Adult" but still "Young and Fresh".  Here is what we came up with:

DIY Headbaord . . And When I say DIY, I mean Tim Did It Himself. My favorite part of our room (obviously!)

I love You Because Board. .

DIY (Tim again) re-finished dresser.

We found the hardware at Michael's in the Clearance sections for $2 a pop!
Accent Wall. .

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Firefly Play Cafe

For Those Columbus parents out there looking for something cheap, fun and different to do with your toddler on a rainy day, may I recommend firefly.

What is Firefly? A 'play-cafe' for ages 12 months to 4 years old. This relatively small indoor play area comes complete with a bounce house, felt board room and an abundance of other toys and activities that are sure to burn some of that energy your little one has bundled up during the winter season.

The Down Side : Hours are relatively inconvenient for Working Moms. You can check out hours of operation, schedule of classes & other information regarding Firefly here.

The Up Side: Admission is only $3.00 for tots ages 1-2 and $5.00 for 2 and older. At that price, you can't go wrong!

Motherly Advice: Plan Ahead & Go Early! While Firefly can provide benefits such as parent-child bonding & cognitive/social development, it can also create headaches and potential boo-boo's due to overcrowding & cramped quarters. Arrive early & pay attention to potential busy periods such as holidays like Martin Luther King, Jr. Day where it could be more crowded than usual. (As we learned!)

Here are a few pictures of Owen enjoying his time at Firefly:

Owen making his way into the Bounce House!

Owen enjoying his time on the Magnetic Tower. 

Smash Book Challange

Here is a sneak peek of my 1st smash book challenge.. The theme is your 2012 Bucket List. It's also my first entered challenge (no big deal, right!?) :)  I'm excited to see where it leads and hear any insight on my work. It's also good practice for some of the mixed media pieces I have been working on.